I have a flight booked in my old/maiden name. When should I start my name change?

Important: You can purchase a NewlyNamed name change kit before you travel. Your current documents (Social Security card, passport, driver's license, etc.) will continue to be valid after you purchase a NewlyNamed name change kit. Your name changes on each document (Social Security card, passport, driver's license, etc.) after you submit the applications included in your name change kit.

If you have international travel booked in your old/maiden name:

You can start changing your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and your DMV now, but you must wait until you return home from your trips before updating your passport.

The name on your passport must match your travel reservations/boarding pass.

Your current passport in your old/maiden name will remain valid until its expiration date, even if you update your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or your DMV. 

If you have domestic travel booked in your old/maiden name:

You can start changing your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA) now, but you must wait to update your passport OR REAL ID driver's license until you have returned from any travel booked in your maiden/old name.

Your travel ID document (such as your passport or REAL ID driver's license) must match your travel reservations/boarding pass.

Your current passport and REAL ID in your old/maiden name will remain valid until its expiration date even if you update your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA).